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How to Survive Common Wedding Day Disasters

October 17, 2018 | Posted in Events, Trends, Uncategorized, Weddings

From the moment you got engaged, you were warned by other married women that not everything would go according to plan. Though you had a few hiccups along the way, you have, up until this point, managed to get by. Then the day of your wedding arrives and everything that could go wrong – does. If you’re going to get through this day like the beautiful, strong, bride you are, then you’ll need to know how to manage these hiccups as well.

rainy day

Inclement Weather
Here’s a doozy. You’ve been checking the weather reports all week long. You’ve chosen the perfect day for your outdoor wedding. You wake up and the skies suddenly fill with dark clouds and the rain starts pouring down. You might be tempted to panic, but the best thing to do is stay calm, contact your wedding venue, and ask about alternate options. If you’ve chosen the right venue, they already assured you they had a contingency plan for outdoor weddings.

wedding dress alterations

wedding dress alterations

Wardrobe Malfunction
You’re getting ready for the wedding and suddenly you or one of your bridesmaids has a serious wardrobe malfunction. A tear in the dress, a missing undergarment, or a major stain on the front of a dress has you stressed to high heaven. Take a few deep breaths and then think fast. Make a list so you don’t forget components of your dress like the slip skirt or your strapless bra. Rips and tears can be sewn up with a portable sewing machine. Stains can often be removed with club soda or Tide to Go stain sticks. To be prepared, pack a small bag of essentials like safety pins, fashion tape, needle and thread kit, scissors, and Tide to Go stain sticks.

bad hair day

bad hair day

Bad Hair Day
You’ve gone to the beautician in the past to try out hairstyles and found the one you like most. Only, the temperatures outside have your hair frizzed out and untamable. What in the world are you going to do? You can ask the hairstylist to try something different, or you could improvise. If your hair is too frizzy for curls, tie it up and go with a messy bun instead. You can add a few flowers for elegance and still look stunning on your wedding day.

Sterling Ballroom

sterling wedding reception ballroom ballroom reception hall
Unexpected Guests
Your Aunt who said she was coming alone decided to bring her new boyfriend along the day of the wedding. This throws off your seating and meal arrangements but doesn’t have to cause a panic. Simply notify staff at the venue, especially the caterer of the new addition and they should be able to accommodate him. Keep in mind if you go over the number of guests in your final count, you will have to pay for those extra guests later. Maybe a few people didn’t show and it evens out.

Wedding day disasters are more common than you think. Though it may seem natural to panic or think that your day is destroyed, the best thing to do is to remain calm and find alternative ways to deal with the issues one at a time. In the end, all that will be remembered is the love in the room, the celebration, and the union of you and your spouse.

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